Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Katy Perry Insists 'Tired Of Being Famous' Comments Were 'In Jest'

Singer takes to Twitter to say her statement to Teen Vogue was taken out of context.
By Jocelyn Vena

Katy Perry
Photo: Getty Images

Katy Perry has taken to Twitter to clarify some recent comments that were published in her Teen Vogue cover story. The singer took issue with the way her quotes about the perils of fame appeared in the magazine.

In the issue, the singer is quoted as saying, "I'm tired of being famous already!" according to Yahoo! "But I'm not tired of creating. Fame is, I think, just a disgusting by-product of what I do. It's quite a delicate creature — it's a wild animal of sorts. It can love you, and then it can attack you.

"I still want to be as approachable and relatable as possible — when I meet fans and they're crying, I'll say, 'Calm down, there's nothing to cry about. I'm not going to bite you or attack you or grant you three wishes,' " she continued. " 'Let's just hang out and have a good time.' But really, I stopped focusing on what other people think a while ago. If you try to be everything to everyone, you'll only end up completely confused."

On Monday night, Perry tweeted that she had not been quoted correctly in terms of the tone of her statements.

"O the joy of something verbally said being taking out of complete context in PRINT. This is why there's a continuous [love/hate] for the media world," she wrote. "U see, the fame quote was spoken in jest (which is typical of me) BUT it's not really about that. The fact is: my success, & u my fans have afforded me the most incredible luxury: to grow as an artist & a human. THAT, I could not be more grateful for."

But it's hardly the first time that Perry has used Twitter to explain interviews that she's done or comments that she's made. After being asked about dueting with Rihanna, she noted that she wanted the song to be "a little more brave" than Beyoncé and Shakira's "Beautiful Liar."

She blamed the press for misinterpreting what she said, firing off on Twitter, "F*** all y'all (press) dat thinks I dissed anyone, puhlez," Perry wrote. "U havin a slow news day or what?! Get a life, cuz it's not mine! #hoodratcominout." The singer later clarified her comments in an interview with MTV News, calling the Beyoncé/Shakira video "sexy as hell."

In 2010, after she tweeted that "using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke" shortly after Lady Gaga released her religion-heavy "Alejandro" video, she sat down with a French radio station to note that she didn't mean it as a jab at Mother Monster.

"Everybody knows, I've said it maybe 100 times on my Twitter, I'm one of the biggest Lady Gaga fans and Madonna fans and Russell Brand fans," she explained, noting that she sometimes doesn't agree with the imagery and comments that Madge and Brand make in their art. "It's just that, like, of course, some people have different viewpoints."

Perry found herself in a similar situation in early 2011. Hours after Britney Spears dropped her "Hold It Against Me" video, a version of which included lots of product placement, she tweeted, "Do it with style and grace ... Not so 'In [your] face like some. [You] have to get creative with it. Some artists don't care though, and you can tell." The comments came after her friend and tourmate Marina of Marina and the Diamonds asked her about it.

After outlets began reporting that she had taken a dig at Spears, Perry took to Twitter to take a dig at the media, denying she was criticizing the singer. "Once AGAIN, stop pitting artist against artist for [your] sensational satisfaction," she said. "Stick to what [you're] best [at]: lying, gossiping, exaggerating and overall lending a hand [to] the deterioration of a generation."

What do you think of Katy Perry's comments about fame? Tell us in the comments.

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